

How To Join

 Joining is as easy as One, Two, Three!

  • One - If you already have a Google account you're ready to join Blogger, our kind host here at Worddly. If you're new to Blogger and would like to learn more, click here for a short introduction to the network. And if you do not currently have a Google account, no worries! Joining Google is easy, just click here to signup for a Google Account.
  • Two - Once you complete step one, all you need to do is fill out a short registration form and let us know you'd like to be a member of Worddly! Click here, to fill out the registration form.
  • Three - You'll receive an invitation to join Worddly from the e-mail address you submitted in the Registration Form from step two. After you accept the invite, that's it -- you're in!

Josh Sobek

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